
Do the Circumstances or Causes of Disability Affect Disability Insurance Benefits?

¿Cómo las circunstancias o causas de la discapacidad puede afectar los beneficios de seguro por discapacidad

Las estadísticas de la discapacidad a menudo influyen en el costo de la cobertura de seguro por incapacidad. Sin embargo, las causas de la discapacidad también puede afectar los beneficios de seguro por discapacidad. Es importante que usted esté enterado de estos contratos en su discapacidad actual o futuro seguro de ingresos.

Casi todos los contratos de seguro de invalidez de uno o más? Exclusiones? que estipulan las circunstancias en que los beneficios de ingresos de discapacidad no serán pagados. Estas estipulaciones esquema circunstancias y / o las causas de incapacidad que son? Excluidos? de la cobertura. Aquí están algunas de las exclusiones más comunes encontrados en muchas de las políticas de discapacidad seguro de ingreso.

  • Las condiciones preexistentes. Se trata de una exclusión muy común de muchos tipos de cobertura de seguro médico. Muchas compañías de seguros no tienen ningún deseo de ser responsable de las condiciones médicas que existía antes de que la política de discapacidad se publicará en breve.

  • Los trastornos mentales. Debido a la dificultad del diagnóstico y, a veces un mayor tiempo de recuperación necesario, la cobertura de incapacidad mental de la salud a menudo están excluidas o restringidas en muchas políticas. Sin embargo, debido a los niveles de estrés a menudo se enfrentan los profesionales de alta, si esta cobertura se puede incluir en una póliza de seguro por incapacidad individual, a menudo es aconsejable para comprarlo.

  • VIH (Virus de Inmunodeficiencia Humana). A diferencia de una enfermedad o lesión inevitable, muchas aseguradoras creen (y no siempre correctamente) que esta enfermedad puede evitarse, y deben ser excluidos de la cobertura. Otro factor que favorece la exclusión es la duración y costo del tratamiento, tanto de lo que podría ser extensa.

  • Los actos de guerra y / o servicio militar activo. Debido a las estadísticas de la discapacidad relacionada al servicio militar, muchas compañías de seguros excluyen la cobertura, sin importar su historial médico personal.

  • Embarazo. Aunque a veces cubiertas por una situación plazo de seguro de discapacidad, esta causa de la discapacidad es a menudo excluidos de la cobertura.

  • Discapacidades encontró mientras los viajes al extranjero. Muchas pólizas de seguro de discapacidad ingresos excluyen la cobertura mientras está de viaje fuera de los EE.UU. La probabilidad de que la discapacidad aumenta para una variedad de razones, y esta incidencia de la discapacidad que motiva a algunas compañías de seguros para hacer de este una exclusión.

  • Algunas actividades que tienen un alto riesgo de discapacidad. Algunos intereses personales, como el paracaidismo, la conducción de aficionados de carreras, las carreras de esquí, etc, tienen mayores estadísticas de discapacidad que los otros pasatiempos, como coleccionar estampillas, bolos, juegos de video, etc La mayoría de las compañías del seguro de invalidez están dispuestos a compensar la caída una bola de bolos en su pie si le causa una discapacidad real, pero no son tan inclinados si el esquí fuera el campo de regatas en un árbol.
Siempre lea su contrato de seguro de invalidez con cuidado para conocer las causas de la discapacidad y / o actividades están excluidas de la cobertura en caso de sufrir una lesión o enfermedad que causa una discapacidad. Si bien las exclusiones en la cobertura de su no mi favor, sepa que los tiene al principio es preferible recibir una desagradable sorpresa si usted se incapacita en una situación de descubierto.

Consulte su contrato de póliza de seguro para obtener información específica acerca de su cobertura y los términos reales, condiciones y exclusiones. Las declaraciones anteriores son de carácter general y pueden o pueden no reflejar las condiciones reales de su póliza de seguro.

Seguro para Discapacitados Frequently Asked Questions

Is Dentist Disability Insurance Available for Most Specialties?

Since I’m In Practice for Myself, Should I Combine Disability Insurance for Dentists with Business Expense Coverage?

When Is It Wise to Consider Getting Supplemental Dentist Disability Coverage?

Why Does It Appear That Disability Insurance for Dentists Is More Expensive than Life Insurance?

What Factors Are Commonly Considered When I Apply for Dentist Disability Insurance?

As a New Dentist, What Insurance Coverage Should I Consider?

As a Dental School Student, Can I Find Dentist Disability Insurance to Cover Me Until I Start Practicing?

Can I Quickly Estimate What Good Doctor Disability Insurance Coverage Might Cost?

What Is the Difference Between a Group Long Term Disability and an Individual Physician Disability Insurance Policy?

Where Can I Find Doctor Disability Insurance Company Financial Ratings?

Are There Different Types of “Disability” as Defined by Doctor Disability Insurance Coverage?

Can My Medical History Influence My Ability to Get Disability Insurance for Doctors?

As a Medical Resident, Why Is Disability Insurance for Resident Physicians Important to Consider?

Am I Eligible for Some Extra Features in a Policy for Disability Insurance for Medical Residents?

How Are My Rates Determined in a Disability Insurance for Medical Residents Policy?

Can I Get a Future Coverage Increase Provision in a Disability Income Insurance for Resident Physicians Policy?

Why Should I Consider an Individual Medical Resident Disability Insurance Policy If I Have Group Coverage?

How Much Income Benefit Can I Typically Get With Resident Physician Disability Insurance?

What Is the Real Difference Between Short-Term Versus Long-Term Disability Insurance for Resident Physicians?

Can I Get a Disability Plan Option That Guarantees My Future Insurability?

How Does the Elimination Period Clause Work and Can I Make It Better For Me?

What is a “Social Security” Rider That Can Sometimes Be Added to a Disability Insurance Policy?

How Does a Return of Premium Provision Work and What Might It Cost?

What Is Government Disability Insurance?

Are There States That Offer Disability Income Insurance?

What Is the Social Security Definition of a “Disability” to Qualify for Disability Income Insurance?

How Do I Qualify for Social Security Disability Income Insurance (SSDI)?

How Does a Government Disability Income Insurance Calculator Work?

Is There More Than One Government or Social Security Disability Income Insurance Program?

What Is the Difference Between Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and Other Long Term Disability Income Insurance Plans?

What Process Does the Social Security Administration (SSA) Follow to Decide If I’m Disabled?

What Are Some Things I Should Know About Getting Disability Insurance Quotes?

How Can I Find Some of the Lowest Disability Insurance Quotes?

How Can I Best Use the Internet to Get Disability Insurance Quotes?

What Should I Consider When I Get Quotes for Disability Insurance for Self-Employed People?

What’s an Effective Way to Find the Best Deal Disability Insurance?

What Are the Primary Differences Between Short and Long Term Disability Insurance Programs?

What Are Some Common Differences Between Group and Individual Long Term Disability Insurance?

Should I Consider Having Both Short Term and Long Term Disability Coverage?

What Are Some Common Tax Considerations of Long Term Disability Insurance Programs?

What Are the Most Popular Long Term Disability Benefits Terms?

Why Do Long Term Disability Insurance Premiums Appear to Vary So Much?

What Is Own Occupation Disability Insurance?

Why Is It Considered Important for Professionals to Have Own Occupation Disability Insurance?

What Is the Definition of “Own Occupation” Disability Insurance?

What Are the Tax Considerations of Own Occupation Disability Insurance Premiums and Benefits?

What Is an Own Occupation Rider to a Disability Insurance Policy?

What Does “Own Occupation” Mean When Referring to Disability Insurance?

What’s an Effective Way to Find the Best Own Occupation Disability Insurance?

What Is the Difference Between Long Term and Short Term Disability?

How “Long” Is Short Term Disability?

How Can I Find Individual Short Term Disability Insurance?

Who Is Typically Eligible for Short Term Disability (STD) Coverage?

Is the Income Replacement Feature in Short Term Disability (STD) Normally Identical to the Income Benefits in a Long Term Disability (LTD) Policy?

If I Have a Long Term Disability Policy, Under What Circumstances Should I Consider Getting Short Term Disability Coverage, Also?

Are Medical Pre-Existing Conditions Considered When Applying for Short and Long Term Disability Insurance?

What Are the Pros and Cons of Group Versus Individual Short Term Disability Coverage?

How Do Private Short Term Disability Insurance Plans Differ From the Various State and Federal Disability Programs?

How Do Disability Statistics Influence Insurance Premiums?

How Does Employer Disability Insurance Differ From Individual Coverage?

How Are Life and Disability Insurance Related?

Is Private Disability Insurance Better Than Government Insurance Protection?

Do the Circumstances or Causes of Disability Affect Disability Insurance Benefits?

What Is Disability Insurance in Relation to Workers Compensation Insurance?

What Is Presumptive Disability?

How Do the Definitions of Disability Differ with Private and Governmental Insurance Programs?

What Are the Common Levels of Disability?

How Do Permanent Partial Disability Benefits Work?

What Factors Determine a Decision Regarding Total Versus Partial Disability?

How Do Benefits in a Residual Disability Insurance Policy Work?

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Jennifer Mathes, Ph.D.